[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alvaro Herrera) writes:
> Darren Reed wrote:
>> Because interacting with the database is always through an action
>> that you do and if you're being half way intelligent about it, you
>> are always checking that each action succeeded before going on to
>> the next.
> Hmm, it won't be pretty for the drivers that do PQexec("COMMIT; BEGIN").
> The driver will think that it's in a transaction when in fact the second
> command in the string has been ignored, and so it's not ...

We have worked pretty hard around here to expunge use of drivers that
do this sort of thing.  (Cough, cough, "dbrow"...)

Recent versions of PostgreSQL don't suffer too badly, but back in the
7.2/7.4 days, we had applications that left transactions open "<IDLE>
in transaction" for days at a time (if a user quit using the web app
without expressly logging out), with _atrocious_ results.

Andrew Sullivan recently had some choice words about the merits of
ENUM; I think the same applies to drivers that do
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "linuxfinances.info")

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