Zeugswetter Andreas OSB sIT wrote:
Do we want the following:
1. pg_dump issues "set statement_timeout = 0;" to the
database prior to
taking its copy of data (yes/no/default-but-switchable)
2. pg_dump/pg_restore issue "set statement_timeout = 0;" in
text mode
output (yes/no/default-but-switchable)
3. pg_restore issues "set statement_timeout = 0;" to the
database in
restore mode (yes/no/default-but-switchable)
I think "yes" for all three.  There was some handwaving about someone
maybe not wanting it, but an utter lack of convincing use-cases; so
I see no point in going to the effort of providing a switch.

Note that 2 and 3 are actually the same thing (if you think they are
not, then you are putting the behavior in the wrong place).

I thought a proper fix for 3 would not depend on 2 ?

I'm sure we could separate the two if we wanted to. Since we don't it's been put in the most natural spot, which does both.



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