At 05:59 PM 7/6/01 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
>OK, I just talked to Tom on the phone and here is his idea for 7.2.  He
>says he already posted this, but I missed it.
>His idea is that in 7.2 VACUUM will only move rows within pages.  It
>will also store unused space locations into shared memory to be used by
>backends needing to add rows to tables.  Actual disk space compaction
>will be performed by new a VACUUM FULL(?) command.
>The default VACUUM will not lock the table but only prevent the table
>from being dropped.

Would 7.2 maintain performance when updating a row repeatedly (update,
commit)? Right now performance goes down in a somewhat 1/x manner. It's
still performs ok but it's nice to have things stay blazingly fast.

If not will the new vacuum restore the performance? 

Or will we have to use the VACUUM FULL?


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