Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Hans-Juergen Schoenig wrote:

test=# create role xy LOGIN;

test=# grant connect on database test to xy;

test=# drop role xy;
ERROR:  role "xy" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL:  access to database test

this is a totally fresh instance --- all i did was creating a db called "test". failing would make sense if i would the owner of an object but i fact i don't own anything.

But in some cases you might not want to lose the information associated
to the grants you've done.  That's why we have REASSIGN OWNED.

Hmm, but then there's no way to lose it, even if you do want that.  DROP
OWNED does not touch grants (which is per design), but we don't have
DROP ROLE CASCADE.  So maybe there's a functionality gap here ...

when thinking of REASSIGNED OWNED people tend to think about tables rather than about CONNECT rights. i would suggest to make DROP ROLE just kill the role unless there is a real object depending on it.
i would not see a permission to be an object. what do you think?

   many thanks,


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