Decibel! wrote:

There's no reason that the server has to deal with a text file. I
completely agree that there must be a method to change settings even if
the database isn't running, but that method does not necessarily need to
be a text file. If we can come up with a standard API for reading and
writing config changes, we (or anyone else) can write any number of
tools to deal with the settings. And once we have an API, we can provide
a SQL interface on top of it.
Once in a lifetime, a man should plant a tree, father a child, and write an editor... :-) Hiding the storage of config parameters opaquely behind an API is something I've been hating for a long time on win32.

When reading this thread, I'm wondering if anybody ever saw a config file for a complex software product that was easily editable and understandable. I don't know one. If there was one, it'd be nice to know it so we can learn from it.

IMHO the best compromise in machine and human readability is an XML format. It's easily decorateable with comments, easily interpreted and a pg_settings view could enhance it with even more comments, so an editor using pgsql functions (to read and write postresql.conf.xml) could be enabled to supply comprehensive help.


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