On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:

A configuration wizard would be nice, but it would be a good start to add a section to the manual on how to do the basic tuning. AFAICS we don't have one. Clear instructions on how to set the few most important settings like shared_buffers and checkpoint_timeout/segments would probably be enough, with a link to the main configuration section that explains the rest of the settings.

It hasn't gelled yet but I'm working on that. Most of the text needed is now linked to at http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Performance_Optimization

I already talked with Chris Browne about merging his document I put first in that list with useful pieces from some of mine into one more comprehensive document on the Wiki, covering everything you mention here. If we took a snapshot of that when it's done and dumped that into the manual, I don't think that would be a problem to wrap up before 8.4 is done. I'd like to include a link to the above performance page in that section of the manual as well, both so that people are more likely to find fresh content as well as to give them pointers toward more resources than the manual can possibly cover.

If people don't read the manual, we can add a link to it from postgresql.conf.sample, add a screen to the Windows installer suggesting to read it, or even open postgresql.conf in Notepad.

They don't. Putting pointers toward a relatively simple performance tuning document a bit more in people's faces might help lower some of the criticism the project takes over providing low defaults for so many things.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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