Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>> Greg Smith wrote:
>>> Where Josh got hung up, where I got hung up, where Lance Campbell
>>> stopped at with his Dummies tool, and what some unknown number of
>>> other people  have been twarted by, is that taking that knowledge and
>>> turning it into a tool useful to users is surprisingly difficult. 
>>> The reason for that is  the current postgresql.conf file and how it
>>> maps internally to GUC  information isn't particularly well suited to
>>> automated generation,  analysis, or updates.
>> What I think this says is that we should be pushing Magnus more to
>> continue work on the configuration API thing he was designing.
> There's some magic in pgAdmin to parse and write the file. You could
> take a look a that.

Not really. You don't want to go there. We really need a "proper API"
for it, and the stuff in pgAdmin isn't even enough to base one on.


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