David E. Wheeler wrote:
On Jun 5, 2008, at 14:47, Greg Smith wrote:

This is why there's the emphasis on preserving comments as they pass into the GUC structure and back to an output file. This is one of the implementation details I haven't fully made up my mind on: how to clearly label user comments in the postgresql.conf to distinguish them from verbose ones added to the file. I have no intention of letting manual user edits go away; what I'm trying to do here (and this part is much more me than Josh) is make them more uniform such that they can co-exist with machine edits without either stomping on the other. Right now doing that is difficult, because it's impossible to tell the default comments from the ones the users added and the current comment structure bleeds onto the same lines as the settings.

How about a simple rule, such as that machine-generated comments start with "##", while user comments start with just "#"? I think that I've seen such a rule used before. At any rate, I think that, unless you have some sort of line marker for machine-generated comments, there will be no way to tell them apart from user comments.

What comments do we consider machine-generated? Just the ones used to comment out settings, like

#shared_buffers = 32MB

or something else?

If the automatic tool lets alone all other kind of comments, I think we're fine. In fact, it wouldn't necessarily need to modify those comments either, it could simply add a new setting line below that:

#shared_buffers = 32MB
shared_buffers = 1024MB

For extra safety, it could comment out old settings, perhaps with something like this:

#shared_buffers = 32MB
#shared_buffers = 1024MB  # commented out by wizard on 2008-06-05
shared_buffers = 2048MB

This would preserve a full change history in the file. It would become quite messy after a lo of changes, of course, but a user can trim the history by hand if he wants to.

Or perhaps we should explicitly mark the settings the tool has generated, and comment out:

#shared_buffers = 32MB   # commented out by wizard on 2008-06-05
shared_buffers = 1024MB  # automatically set by wizard on 2008-06-05

That way the tool could safely replace automatically set settings, without replacing manually set ones without leaving a clear trace of what happened.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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