>> I am pumping about 200gb a week through the pg database,
>> and our estimated database size is something like 4tb by
>> the end of the year.
> Can anyone say 'Woof!'?

Amen, Lamar.  I was trying to think of something myself besides

As a side note, there's a blurb in the July 16, 2001 Interactive Week
about the MySQL AB vs NuSphere spat and the last paragraph of the
article casts a very favorable nod towards PostgreSQL.

I quote (any typos are mine) ...

"Analysts said MySQL must find a way to generate a development community
and support if it wants to compete with another open source database,
PostgreSQL, distributed by Red Hat and Great Bridge."

Article doesn't say who the "analysts" are, but the implication that
MySQL isn't up to competing with PostgreSQL was interesting to my eyes!


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