Kless wrote:
I write here the answer of Jerry Stuckle [1] because it looks me
interesting and enough logical.

Jerry's answer isn't a real answer - and we don't care what MySQL does or does not do. PostgreSQL developers are not going to invest time into helping you get a feature into MySQL - if this is what you are trying to do, please stop.

MySQL didn't implement SQL-standards views until what - MySQL 4 or 5? Obviously "standards" is not their goal either. In Open Source / Free Software, the free contributions are from people with itches that they scratched. In a company like MySQL, it is more about business value or somewhere in between. I was a MySQL 3.x/4.x user until I learned PostgreSQL, and I have no intention of going back. They have so many incorrect assumptions built into their system, that I chose to switch databases instead of arguing with them. It's not worth my time, and I don't intend to go back. So, I will not be helping you get UUID into MySQL because I just don't care about MySQL...


Quite frankly, I don't care that PostGres has user-defined types.
restrict you to a single database, when others might be better for
other reasons.

And yes, I think other things should have been proposed to the SQL
standards committee.  It doesn't take that long to get a good proposal
into the standards.  No, it isn't immediate.  But if there is a case
be made for it, then the committee will act.

Then all databases get the feature, eventually.

As I said.  Do it the right way.  Submit your proposal.  If you have a
case, it will be added to the SQL standard.  If not, then it's not


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