On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Neil Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Returning regtype seems like the natural choice.
> I was just about to say the same.

Yes.  In fact, the way I typically use the function is to write
gettype(whatever)::regtype.  I was too lazy to modify the function to
return regtype, and with "::regtype" weighing in at a mere 9
keystrokes there wasn't much motivation =)

> Another thought is that you might as
> well declare the input type as "any" --- using "anyelement" just causes
> the parser to waste a few cycles checking for argument/result type
> conflicts that can't exist here.

Good tip.

> I don't like gettype() as the function name: it's not particularly
> readable and it seems to infringe on application namespace.  It should
> be pg_something ... maybe pg_typeof() ?

Sure, pg_typeof() sounds good.  I only used gettype() because it was a
familiar name (PHP has an analogous builtin function called

> Oh, another thing: it shouldn't be STRICT.  Nulls have perfectly good
> types.


Barring any further comments/objections, I'll go ahead and prepare a
patch to add this to core.


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