Martin Pihlak wrote:
>>> Attached is a WIP patch, which basically implements this:
>> This patch breaks deadlock checking and statement_timeout, because
>> backends already use SIGALRM.  You can't just take over that signal.
>> It's possible that you could get things to work by treating this as an
>> additional reason for SIGALRM, but that code is unreasonably complex
>> already.  I'd suggest finding some other way.
> I suspected that, but somehow managed to overlook it :( I guess it was
> too tempting to use it. I'll start looking for alternatives.

I wrote a patch for this some time back, that was actually applied.
Turns out it didn't work, and I ran out of time to fix it, so it was
backed out again. And then I forgot about it :-) If you look through the
cvs history of pgstat you should be able to find it - maybe it can give
you some further ideas.


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