At 11:25 18/07/01 +0900, Hiroshi Inoue wrote:
>Oops I made a mistake.
>Reference name is needed not an object name,
>       object relid
>       object oid
>       relerence relid
>       reference oid
>       reference name

I think any deisgn needs to cater for attr dependencies. eg.

    create table a (f1 int4, f2 int8);
    create view view_a as select f2 from a;


    alter table a drop f1; -- Is OK. Should just happen
    alter table a drop f2; -- Should warn about the view, and/or cascade etc.
    alter table a alter f2 float; -- Should trigger a view recompilation.

...same thing needs to happen with constraints that reference attrs

I *think* tables are the only items that can have subobjects with dependant.

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