On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Alex Hunsaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> However that still leaves the original complaint around (at least IMHO):
>> select to_timestamp('AN', 'AM');
>> ERROR:  invalid AM/PM string
>> select to_timestamp('11:47 PM 27 Sep a2008', 'HH:MI PM DD Mon YYYY');
>> ERROR: invalid value for "YYYY" in source string
> Yeah, it would be a lot better if it said
>        ERROR: invalid value for "YYYY": "a2008"
> The DETAIL is good too, but it's no substitute for showing the exact
> substring that the code is unhappy about.

I agree.  And with my proposed changes to the meridiem/era marker
code, it will be much easier to improve the error messages in a
consistent way.

I'll work on a patch for the Nov commitfest.


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