On Tuesday 30 September 2008 02:19:31 Robins Tharakan wrote:
> Hi,
> While making a complex database back-end, I have at-hand about 200 odd
> functions and frankly 'management of functions' is already getting quite
> tedious. Since the count is certain to rise, I am looking for a good tool
> to do this.
> By management, I guess I am looking at some kind of tagging mechanism,
> where it could keep stored a list of tags for each function (tags that I
> provide, for each new function created) and it be able to provide a
> comfortable way of searching/browsing through the list.
> Originally, I also wished that this could allow me to see whether a given
> function directly (or indirectly) 'can' change the database, but I guess
> the 'Volatile' function type suffices my need there. The problem with that
> is that I still can't see a function's volatility alongside a list of
> functions. Now making a front-end in PHP seems a few days of work, and
> although not impossible, I wondered whether this has already been done.

Well, phppgadmin (1) already shows comments for functions in its function 
listing, so you could put tagging there (and i think our search feature 
searches comments as well). A patch adding volitility and security (definer|
caller) info into the listing screen would probably be accepted :-)

> How do you manage large list of functions (where a hard segregation isn't
> hard and therefore one can't separate functions based on schemas) ?Any
> pointers to a Free or Commercial tool would be of immense help.

if you don't due a lot of function overloading, getddl (2) can be used to push 
function code into subversion... thats more code management than api 
management, but might be helpful. (note, getddl is still pretty rough around 
the edges). 

(1) http://phppgadmin.sourceforge.net/
(2) https://labs.omniti.com/trac/pgsoltools/wiki/getddl

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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