Hi all.
This is not very "hackers"-related, but related to the topic of 
window-funcitons, which seems to be discussed quite a bit on "hackers" these 

Can window-functions in PG be used to return "total number of rows" in a "paged 
Say you have:
SELECT p.id, p.firstname
  FROM person p
 ORDER BY p.firstname ASC

Is it possible to use some window-function to return the "total-number of 
columns" in a separate column?

In Oracle one can do 
SELECT q.*, max(rownum) over() as total_rows FROM (subquery)
which returns the total number or columns in a separate column. This is very 
handy for web-pages which for example need to display the rist 20 results of 
several million, without having to do a separate count(*) query.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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