KaiGai, et al,

* KaiGai Kohei ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Stephen, what is the status of your efforts?

I've now got it passing the base regression tests with the actual logic
included in the path.  That doesn't mean it works completely, of course,
but I feel like I'm making progress.  Feedback, as always, is

> The latest one I could found is the "colprivs_wip.20080902.diff.gz".
> Do you have any updated one?

Please find the latest attached, against current CVS head as of a few
minutes ago (including the change to heap_modify_tuple).  I'll also
update the commitfest wiki w/ this once it's hit the archives.



Attachment: colprivs_wip.20081101.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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