Hello, Saito-san:

"Hiroshi Saito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> next patch is this.

I'm reviewing your patch and cleanup some parts:
  - Avoid casting to LPWSTR.
  - Use pre-defined MAX_L10N_DATA instead of STRLEN_MAX.
I'll send a new version.

BTW, we convert strings multiple times in the function.
  Windows mbcs -> UTF16 -> UTF8 -> server_encoding

If we have 100% compatible encoding with Windows,
we could skip UTF16 and UTF8 conversions. i.e,

  buflen = strftime(buffer);
  result = pg_do_encoding_conversion(buffer, buflen,
    GetPlatformEncoding(), GetDatabaseEncoding());

Is it possible to implement GetPlatformEncoding() ?
I think it is also needed to treat non-ascii file path
in COPY, LOAD, archive_command and so on.

ITAGAKI Takahiro
NTT Open Source Software Center

Attachment: strftime_win32.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: result_sjis.txt
Description: Binary data

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