> Quoted from SQL:2008
> "If CUME_DIST is specified, then the relative *rank *of a row R is defined
> as
> NP/NR, where NP is defined
> to be the number of rows preceding or peer with R in the window ordering of
> the window partition of R
> and NR is defined to be the number of rows in the window partition of R."
> I guess there is a difference between  "row_number" and "number of rows
preceding or peer with R"

"number of rows preceding or peer with R" == count(*) over (order by salary)

As far as I understand, the following query should calculate cume_dist
properly (and it does so in Oracle):

SELECT name,CAST(r AS FLOAT) / c, cd
            COUNT(*) OVER(ORDER BY salary) as r,
            COUNT(*) OVER() AS c,
            CUME_DIST() OVER(ORDER BY salary) AS cd
     FROM employees
) t;

Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Sitnikov

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