Greg Smith napsal(a):
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Zdenek Kotala wrote:

1) Keep relfileid of toast file same. It is important because toast pointer contains relfileid. Currently script creates fake files with same number to protect postgresql to create new relation with this refileid. It works but by my opinion it is not much robust. I suggest to use following syntax:

create table foo (id int) with (relfileid=16544, reltoastid=11655, reltoastidx=16543)

But once there's a more core integrated in-place upgrade, as envisioned for 8.4->8,5, this syntax wouldn't been useful for anything anymore, right?

Maybe it could be useful also for user who needs to restore database with same filename (replication, recovery...). But I don't know about any other real request for this feature.

I understand your distaste for the hack, but it seems a bit extreme to start fiddling with CREATE TABLE and pg_dump* just to implement a work-around for a temporary problem. I think your magic is strong enough for this, as long as the upgrade script does some sanity checks and proceeds cautiously I think we can live with it.

I agree that it is temporary solution and does not make sense to create any special temporary hack for it. However, this syntax uses reloption mechanism which is easy to use and modification should be small and maybe someone could use for another purpose. But how you mention it is now solved by script magic.


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