Peter Moscatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
news:<4x9f7.126086$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I am pretty new to PostgreSQL so please bare with me  :-)
> When issuing the CREATEDB MyDb  then creating some tables with CREATE 
> TABLE, I then go back and do a search for the file I have just created 
> (MyDb) but can't find the physical file.
> Does one actually exist ??
> Pete

Sure it does. The problem you are having is that since the
implementation of TOAST in PG 7.1, all of the db and table names are
represented by numbers in the physical file system
(usr/local/pgsql/data/base). So if you tried to do an 'ls' or 'find'
for the name of your database, it probably wouldn't show up. However,
just do a 'psql {db_name}' (where {db_name} is the name of your
database) and you'll see that everything is kosher.

To translate the oid numbers to their respective names, use the
oid2name function found in the /contrib under your Postgres source


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