On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, C?dric Villemain wrote:

we, at dalibo, used to write our docs with ReST and most of the time we don't need to escape special char

I'm interested in this patch for a similar reason, ReST has been working well for internal documentation at my office. I know I'll run into tables that require massive escaping on the datasets I have here though. You might have gotten lucky and had data with little punctuation, I don't think the user base at large will.

Here's the simplest real-world example I found. This is from an app that collects PC information. I fudged the second row to pick something that's still realistic from this problem domain and looks more like markup:

|      ip      |       file        |
| | *.*               |

That renders like this:

ip      file     C:WINDOWSSYSTEM     .

Which is no good. Escaping it must transform the text first, recompute the widths based on that, and then display the table. That gives the following:

|      ip      |         file        |
| | \*.\*               |

As the shortest right thing to do.

I think the problem with the single markup character injection test D'Arcy ran is that many of these only matter if two appear on a line; to get italics you need two * characters for example, so showing a single * doesn't get mangled doesn't prove anything. What I would normally want next in this sort of situation is some more table input designed to render badly for testing. I'll see what I can put together there, I am rather good at breaking code.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
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