On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> All,
> So, some feedback to make this decision more difficult:
> Users: care about HS more than anything else in the world.  I'm convinced
> that if we took a staw poll, 80% of our users would be in favor of waiting
> for HS.  This one feature will make more of a difference in the number of PG
> users than any feature since the Windows port.  Maybe more.

if we think we will need a lot of time to get this in form, there will
be no difference in the time of the release just in the numbers in
which HS comes

> SE-Linux:  this patch has effectively been in development for 2 years
> ourside the core process before putting it in; the forked SEPostgres is in
> use in production. KaiGai has been available for 20 hours a week (or more)
> to troubleshoot issues and change APIs.  I really don't see what the problem
> is with committing it.

it hasn't been testing by ours in different platforms (ie: ubuntu has
selinux and i want to give it a try, badly enough i have never used
selinux so this is new to me)...

nor we have any evidence that it doesn't affect to users that doesn't
have any variant of selinux (ie: windows)... the real problem here is
the base of users we enough knowledge of the tool to make some usefull

> ==============
> Regarding the Commitfests in general:  we still haven't perfected this
> process.  There are a number of issues with it which are hampered by
> technology, but a lot more by people.  Here's my analysis of what's changed
> over the last year:
> 1) having the last CF on Nov. 1 was a mistake.  That put us square in the
> path of the US & Christian holidays during the critical integration phase ..
> which means we haven't really had 3 months of integration, we've had *two*.


Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157

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