Sophie Yang wrote:
I am trying to implement a PL/PgSQL function as following:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sort_by_d_idx (nids INT[][], tbl_name VARCHAR)
RETURNS varchar[]
AS $$
  result varchar[];

  EXECUTE 'SELECT ARRAY(SELECT t.idx FROM generate_series(array_lower($1,1), 
array_upper($1,1)) AS s(i), '
        ||tbl_name||' t WHERE $1[s.i][1] = t.rid and $1[s.i][2] = t.rtid ORDER 
BY length(t.idx))'
  INTO result;

  RETURN result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I got an error "ERROR: there is no parameter $1" when I test the function with:
select sort_by_d_idx('{{8148, 1}, {8149, 1}, {300, 2}, {8163, 1}, {8170, 
1}}'::int[][], 'd_tree_1');

The error is understandable, but my question is how to supply the int[][] array into the dynamic SQL?

In 8.4, there will be a EXECUTE '...' USING construct that you could use:

I don't quite understand what the function is trying to do, but in existing releases you could store the input array into a temporary table, or rewrite the function to do its magic in a for loop instead of a single query.

  Heikki Linnakangas

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