
Due to budget constraints, Google needed to cut 50 projects from the Summer of Code this year. We were one of the projects cut (although we can re-apply next year).

However, that doesn't mean we won't be working with students this year.

1) Portland State University has generously offered to host 1 or 2 PostgreSQL-based projects in their GSoC compliment.

2) We can fund two student internships our of PostgreSQL money. This would also allow us to fund some projects which don't fit within the parameters of GSoC (wrong schedule, high school student, docs or infrastructure rather than code, etc.).

What this all hinges on is getting some really solid mentors who have projects they'd like students to work on, and can commit unconditionally to having 5 hours a week or more, over a 3-month period, to work with the student.

If we don't get at least 4 solid mentor-volunteers by next week, I'll drop the whole idea and we'll stop doing internships or SoC entirely.

Note that since the Internships are not required to be project code, we can also take student projects to contribute to our WWW infrastructure and other areas the project needs some work.

--Josh Berkus
  for the Core Team

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