I am seeing Postgres 8.3.7 running as a service on Windows Server 2003 repeatedly fail to restart after a backend crash because of the following code in port/win32_shmem.c:

    * If the segment already existed, CreateFileMapping() will return a
    * handle to the existing one.
   if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
        * When recycling a shared memory segment, it may take a short while
        * before it gets dropped from the global namespace. So re-try after
        * sleeping for a second.
CloseHandle(hmap); /* Close the old handle, since we got a valid
                                * one to the previous segment. */


hmap = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE) 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0L, (DWORD) size, szShareMem);
       if (!hmap)
(errmsg("could not create shared memory segment: %lu", GetLastError()), errdetail("Failed system call was CreateFileMapping(size=%lu, name=%s).",
                              (unsigned long) size, szShareMem)));

       if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
(errmsg("pre-existing shared memory block is still in use"), errhint("Check if there are any old server processes still running, and terminate them.")));

It strikes me that we really need to try reconnecting to the shared memory here several times, and maybe the backoff need to increase each time. On a loaded server this cause postgres to fail to restart fairly reliably.




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