Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Mark Mielke wrote:
I just don't understand why you care. If the CVS directories didn't bug you before, why does the single .git directory bug you now? I'm genuinely interested as I don't get it. :-)

It doesn't.  What bugs me is that the database (the "pulled" tree if you
will) is stored in it.  It has already been pointed out how to put it
elsewhere, so no need to explain that.

What *really* bugs me is that it's so difficult to have one "pulled"
tree and create a bunch of checked out copies from that.

(In the CVS world, I kept a single rsync'ed copy of the anoncvs
repository, and I could do multiple "cvs checkout" copies from there
using different branches.)

You say "database", but unless you assume you know what is in it, .git isn't really different from CVS/ or .svn. It's workspace metadata. Size might concern you, except that it's generally smaller than CVS/ or .svn. Content might concern you, until you realize that being able to look through history without accessing the network is a feature, not a problem. Time to prepare the workspace might concern you, but I haven't seen people time the difference between building a cvs checkout vs a git clone.

You talk about avoiding downloads by rsync'ing the CVS repository. You can do nearly the exact same thing in GIT:

1) Create a 'git clone --bare' that is kept up-to-date with 'git fetch'. This is your equivalent to an rsync'ed copy of the anoncvs repository. 2) Use 'git clone' from your local bare repo, or from the remote using the local bare repo as a reference. Either hard links, or as a reference no links at all will keep your clone smaller than either a CVS or an SVN checkout.

Mainly, I want to point out that the existence of ".git" is not a real problem - it's certainly no worse than before.


Mark Mielke <>

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