Tom Lane wrote:
> Hiroshi Inoue <> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> * This seems to be assuming that the user has set LC_MONETARY and
>>> LC_NUMERIC the same.  What if they're different?
>> Strictky speaking they should be handled individually.
> I thought about this some more, and I wonder why you did it like this at
> all.  The patch claimed to be copying the LC_TIME code, but the LC_TIME
> code isn't trying to temporarily change any locale settings. 

LC_TIME and LC_CTYPE (on Windows) settings are changed temporarily
in cache_locale_time() in pg_locale.c.

> What we
> are doing in that code is assuming that the system will give us back
> the localized strings in the encoding identified by CP_ACP; 

AFAIK it's not right. LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY or LC_NUMERIC related output
is encoded using LC_CTYPE setting.

> so all we
> have to do is convert CP_ACP to wide chars and then to UTF8.  Can't we
> use a similar approach for the output of localeconv?

What LC_CTIME code and my patch intend is setting LC_CTYPE to an
appropriate value so that related output is converted correctly.
If we can set LC_CTYPE to xxx_xxx.65001(UTF8), we can eliminate
two steps but it causes an error on Windows.

HIroshi Inoue

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