"Joshua D. Drake" <j...@commandprompt.com> writes:
> On Tue, 2009-06-30 at 12:29 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I would like to propose aiming for a release around April/May 2010 ...
>> "in time for PGCon" if you like, but the main point is to have it out
>> before people start disappearing for summer break.  We've already run
>> into problems with scheduling the 8.4 release because of that.

> I generally agree with this however why not just have a "When it is
> done?". Let's hit some commitfests and some time near the end of the
> year start discussing Beta and release.

> We are not a company. We don't have a deadline. Why can't we just
> develop and say, "Yeah, this looks like it would make a substantive
> release."?

Well, then you might as well not have a schedule at all.  The point of
setting up a schedule is not to have a deadline that we must meet or
die trying (and certainly not to ship whether it's ready or not, as
a certain other OS database has been accused of doing).  Rather, the
point of this exercise is to give individual developers a framework
to plan in.  Without a target date it's tough to decide what is
reasonable to work on for 8.5.

                        regards, tom lane

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