On Friday 03 July 2009 10:49:41 Hans-Juergen Schoenig -- PostgreSQL wrote:
> hello,
> this patch has not made it through yesterday, so i am trying to send it
> again.
> i made a small patch which i found useful for my personal tasks.
> it would be nice to see this in 8.5. if not core then maybe contrib.
> it transforms a tsvector to table format which is really nice for text
> processing and comparison.
> test=# SELECT * FROM tsvcontent(to_tsvector('english', 'i am pretty sure
> this is a good patch'));
>  lex   | rank
> --------+------
> good   |    8
> patch  |    9
> pretti |    3
> sure   |    4
> (4 rows)

Sounds useful.  But in the interest of orthogonality (or whatever), how about 
instead you write a cast from tsvector to text[], and then you can use 
unnest() to convert that to a table, e.g.,

SELECT * FROM unnest(CAST(to_tsvector('...') AS text[]));

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