Tom Lane wrote:
Nedyalko Borisov <> writes:
In summary, we are making two suggestions:
1. Extend the optimizer to consider joins between child tables when hierarchies 
are joined together.

We already handle this for the case where the join is nestloop with
inner index scan, and I'm not convinced that there's any real gain to be
had for other join types.

From OLTP perspective this proposal won't introduce any benefits due to the fact that queries operate on small parts of the data, so we can add a flag that will disable/enable the inherited join. However, the OLAP queries process significant amount of data and to leverage this fact the DB admins partition the data. We think that the optimizer should take advantage of this partitioning and consider plans where the joins are performed on small parts of the data.

For example, typical observed scenario is: optimizer chooses Merge Join for two partitioned tables like the plan below:
Merge Cond: ( =
   -> Sort
       Sort Key: id
       -> Append
           -> Seq Scan on table1_part1
           -> Seq Scan on table1_part2
       -> ....
           -> Seq Scan on table1_partN
      ->  Sort
           Sort Key: id
           -> Append
              -> Seq Scan on table2_part1
              -> Seq Scan on table2_part2
              -> ....
              -> Seq Scan on table2_partM

This plan ignores the fact there are indexes on the table2 partitions and that the pairwise partitions joins (index nested loop or hash join) will be faster than scanning all the partitions and sorting them.

To see the effect of the pairwise joins we performed some experiments with the initial implementation. The experiments consisted of joining two partitioned tables where each of the tables have around 200 children and the 2 int columns id and count. We generated data of different sizes and measured the execution times and here are the results:
0.5 million records -> regular plan 0.69s -> modified plan 0.51
1 million records -> regular plan 2.9s -> modified plan 1
2.5 million records -> regular plan 4.17s -> modified plan 2.28
5 million records -> regular plan 11.25s -> modified plan 4.46

Increasing the data size or adding more columns will increase the difference between the current plan that the database picks and the proposed modification of the plans. Thus, we thing that it might be useful if the optimizer considers plans with inherited joins.

2. Add the "Empty Check Constraint", which would enforce that a particular 
table is to remain empty.

The trouble with that is that a constraint that doesn't propagate to its
child tables is a weird beast that I'd just as soon not invent.

We are currently thinking about inventing an explicit notion of
partitioned tables.  If we had that, it would be reasonable to have
a special kind of "parent" table for a partitioned set and refuse to
allow any data in that relation.  But I'm not excited about contorting
the general constraint mechanism in the way that would be necessary to
express this as a constraint.

OK, implementing a special "abstract"/"parent" table would make more sense. In this line of thoughts could you elaborate on the explicit notion of partitioned tables or give us some references.

Nedyalko Borisov and Herodotos Herodotou

                        regards, tom lane

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