On Saturday 18 July 2009 18:06:00 David Fetter wrote:
> Folks,
> At this point, SE-PostgreSQL has taken up a *lot* of community
> resources, not to mention an enormous and doubtless frustrating amount
> of Kohei-san's time and effort, thus far without a single committed
> patch, or even a consensus as to what it should (or could) do.
> Rather than continuing to blunder into the future, I think we need to
> do a reality check in the form of a couple of questions:
> 1.  Among the committers who could maintain the features, whatever
> they turn out to be, who is actually volunteering to do so?

> 2.  Apart from Kohei-san and Stephen Frost, is anybody actually
> interested in having this feature at all?
I would definitely be interested.


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