Dne  7.08.09 00:13, Tom Lane napsal(a):
Zdenek Kotala <zdenek.kot...@sun.com> writes:
It seems to me that editline never distributed history.h file and
HAVE_EDITLINE_HISTORY_H is nonsense. But I'm not sure.

I wouldn't count on that, in part because there are so many versions of
editline.  On an OS X machine I see

$ ls -l /usr/include/*line*
total 16
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  6882 Feb 19  2008 readline.h

total 16
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  22 Jul 23 11:31 history.h@ -> ../editline/readline.h
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  22 Jul 23 11:31 readline.h@ -> ../editline/readline.h

It is only hack for application which wants to have readline and they don't detects libedit. Finally it is like:

#include <editline/readline.h>
#include <editline/readline.h>

I little bit searching on Internet and it seems that when edit/history.h exists it is link to editline/readline.h. (See e.g.
http://sysinf0.klabs.be/usr/include/editline/history.h?dist=;arch= )

This link is created by packager, because when you compiling libedit, make install does not create it.

By my opinion HAVE_EDITLINE_HISTORY_H is overhead, but we can keep it.


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