Tom Lane wrote:
Mike <> writes:
Have any tool authors stepped up and committed resources to utilizing
this feature in the near term?

I don't think anyone's promised much.  If you want to have a go at using
it, we'd be very happy.

I'm guessing that my vision likely exceeds the scope of this feature in
its initial form at least, but assuming no one else has stepped up, I'm
more than willing to start committing resources as early as this
weekend with the understanding that this feature is still in
development and likely will change several times before or if its
finally committed for 8.5.

It's definitely committed for 8.5, but the exact format of the output
is (obviously) still subject to change.


Good. I had a look at this for a little while yesterday. I built it, did an install, loaded auto_explain and then ran the regression tests. I didn't like the output much. It looks like the XML has been dumbed down to fit a data model that works for JSON as well, particularly in the lack of use of attributes. An XML processor won't care that much, but humans will certainly find it more tiresome to read. In effect we are swapping horizontal expansion for vertical expansion. It would be nicer to be able to fit a plan into a screen.

I also took the last relaxng spec I could find and used a nice little tool called Trang to translate it into an XML Schema spec. The good news is that that worked. The bad news is that the spec almost certainly needs some tightening, especially around those elements that probably should be XML attributes.



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