
I wonder if POSIX_FADV_RANDOM and POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL are still innacurate 
for postgreSQL ?

I find 
«A related problem is that the smgr uses the same FD to access the same 
relation no matter how many scans are in progress. Think about a complex query 
that is doing both a seqscan and an indexscan on the same relation (a self-
join could easily do this). You'd really need to change this if you want 
» (tom lane, 2003)

And also :
Surely POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL is the one intended to hint seq scans, and 
POSIX_FADV_RANDOM to hint random access. No? 
ISTM, _WILLNEED seems just right for small random-access blocks. 
Anyway, for those who want to see what they do in Linux, 
http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au/lxr/source/mm/fadvise.c Pretty scary that Bruce 
said it could make older linuxes dump core - there isn't a lot of code there. 
» (ron mayer, 2006)

But that seems a bit old. 
Cédric Villemain
Administrateur de Base de Données
Cel: +33 (0)6 74 15 56 53
http://dalibo.com - http://dalibo.org

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