Sorry, I screwed up.  The below was supposed to go to the list, not
Tom personally.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Janes <>
Date: Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] TODO: fix priority of ordering of read and
write light-weight locks
To: Tom Lane <>

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Tom Lane<> wrote:
> Jeff Janes <> writes:
>> The wiki todo has the topic "Fix priority ordering of read and write
>> light-weight locks" and
>> references
>> (lwlocks and starvation)
>> Having read the referenced discussion, I'm trying to figure out what
>> remains to be done.
> AFAIR that patch hasn't been applied because nobody's demonstrated
> an overall win from changing it.  It's not only a matter of showing
> an improvement for some one workload, but providing some confidence
> that no other case gets a lot worse.  If you go back to circa 2000
> or 2001 to see the previous iteration of tweaking the lock algorithms,
> you'll see that we found that it's important to avoid unnecessary
> trips through the kernel scheduler.  If we force a incoming shared
> requestor to block, there's a very real chance that the overhead from
> descheduling and later rescheduling him will mean a net performance
> degradation regardless of any other benefits.  As against this there's
> the risk of long-term starvation of an exclusive requestor --- but
> there is little if any evidence that that's a serious problem in
> practice.

Yes, I agree with all that.  That is why I was surprised to find it on
the todo list--I thought it was thoroughly thought out and decided not
worth pursuing, so didn't know what more to be done.


> Also, did you see this thread:
> That proposal was bounced because it seemed likely to hurt in a
> much wider set of cases than it helped (see extra-scheduling-overhead
> argument).  But I'd still be interested to see an unbiased analysis
> of what was going on in the case where it seemed to help.

I'm afraid I can't help much here.  I can't reproduce his results.
But I have neither his
hardware (the biggest thing I could test is 8-way x86_64) nor his
code.  On the 8-way system, with fsync=off to roughly simulate SDD, using
pgbench -s 50, I saturate cpu at about -c 8, which is what you would
expect, and going
above that doesn't improve performance.  Using the wake-all variant
didn't improve things.  (But also didn't make them worse).

I wonder if the original poster of that message would be willing to
try using pgbench on his system to see if he can get the same results
under it?  pgbench might not be the best load-testing tool ever
created, but it is one that everyone has ready access to, which
certainly counts for something.



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