Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> The attached tiny patch sets the <explain> root element for auto-explain 
> XML output, so it looks something like this:

This looks reasonable in itself, but it sort of begs the question on
two other things:

* what's the xmlns URL really going to be?

* what's the <Query> element in regular XML output good for?  And
shouldn't we make both explain and auto-explain either have that or not?

> The JSON output looks like this:

>     [
>       "Plan": {
>         "Node Type": "Result",
>         "Startup Cost": 0.00,
>         "Total Cost": 0.01,
>         "Plan Rows": 1,
>         "Plan Width": 0
>       }
>     ]

<squint> Bearing in mind that I know roughly nothing of JSON ... surely
the above is syntactically incorrect?  A labeled value should be within
{...} not [...].  I think this is closely related to the point about
<Query>, ie the same semantic nesting level is missing in both cases.

                        regards, tom lane

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