Have you looked at the total execution time with and without the

It didn't show any significant overhead on the little COPY test I made. On selects, it probably does (just like EXPLAIN ANALYZE), but I didn't test. It is not meant to be always active, it's a #define, so I guess it would be OK though.

I'm going to modify it according to your suggestions and repost it (why didn't I do that first ?...)

Not that this changes your conclusion.  With or without that distortion I
completely believe that WALInsertLock is the bottleneck of parallel bulk
copy into unindexed tables. I just can't find anything else it is a primary
bottleneck on.  I think the only real solution for bulk copy is to call
XLogInsert less often. For example, it could build blocks in local memory,
then when done copy it into the shared buffers and then toss the entire
block into WAL in one call.  Easier said than implemented, of course.



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