Jan Urbański napsal(a):

here's a (late, sorry about that) review:
Thanks for the comprehensive review!

It's unified, not context, but that's trivial.
It's not, I have git configured to produce context diffs (see http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Working_with_Git#Context_diffs_with_Git ).

== Code ==

There's a few places where the following pattern is used:
if (!stmt->grantees)
whereas I think the project prefers:
stmt->grantees != NIL

Ok changed that.

I'm not sure if this pattern in src/backend/catalog/aclchk.c is the best
if (rolenames == NIL)
    rolenames = lappend(rolenames, makeString(pstrdup("")));
if (nspnames == NIL)
    nspnames = lappend(nspnames, makeString(pstrdup("")));
Appending an empty string and then checking in strlen of the option
value is 0
is ugly.

I changed that, I had to change the way SetDefaultACLs is called a bit anyway (to fix the problem with dependencies you mentioned below).

In SetDefaultACLs the OidIsValid(roleId) is not necessary, maybe better
put in
assert(oidIsValid). The caller always puts a valid rolename in there. Or
even better: make the caller pass an InvalidOid for the role if no is
specified. This way the handling arguments is more uniform between
SetDefaultACLs and ExecDefaultACLsStmt.

Same as above.

The logic in get_default_acl and pg_namespace_object_default_acl could be
improved, for instance get_default_acl checks if the result of the scan
is null
and if is, returns NULL. At the same time, the only calling function,
pg_namespace_object_default_acl checks the isNull flag instead of just
if the result is NULL.

Also, pg_namespace_object_default_acl could just do without the isNull out
parameter and the same goes for get_default_acl. Just return NULL to
an invalid result and declare a isNull in get_default_acl locally to use
it in
heap_getattr. This also saves some lines in InsertPgClassTuple.
I agree, btw it actually does not save anything in InsertPgClassTuple, but it does save few lines in ProcedureCreate.

Also, in InsertPgClassTuple change the order of the branches:
+   if (isNull)
+       nulls[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1] = true;
+   else
+       values[Anum_pg_class_relacl - 1] = PointerGetDatum(relacl);
to have the same pattern as the next if statement.

In ExecDefaultACLsStmt this fragment:
else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "roles") == 0)
   if (rolenames)
                 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
       drolenames = defel;
Should test if (drolenames), because currently it's possible to do:
Typo, fixed.

A comment in dependency.c function getDefaultACLDescription with
something like
"shouldn't get here" in the default: switch branch could be useful,
cf. getRelationDescription.

In ExecGrantDefaults_Relation there's a hunk:
+       if (isNull)
+           elog(ERROR, "no DEFAULT PRIVILEGES for relation");
Maybe you could move it higher, no need to do other stuff if it's going
to fail
afterwards anyway.
Ok, I moved it just after owner check.

ExecGrantDefaults_Function and ExecGrantDefaults_Relation could maybe share
code? They look quite similar, although it might not be so easy to
factor out
common functionality.
They don't really, they operate on different tables and the only partly shared part is the indexes and acl dependency update.

The "unrecognized GrantStmt.objtype: %d" error message needs better
wording I
Well, that exact same message is in other two places in original code, I just copy pasted it.

No code patch removes rows from pg_default_acls, so it might accumulate
cruft. Maybe a drop default privileges? Or maybe revoking all would delete
the row instead of setting it? It has the same meaning, I guess...
Now that I fixed DefaultACLs removal on role drop this is no longer true (previously it was only dropped with schema a leftover from original design). Also revoking everything is not same as having no DefaultACLs, with no DefaultACLs current behavior is used (owner gets all privs and public might get something depending on object type).

== Compiling and installing ==

My gcc complains about

gram.y: In function ‘base_yyparse’:
gram.y:1128: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
gram.y:1135: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘lappend’ from incompatible
pointer type
gram.y:1135: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
gram.y:1136: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

Regression tests fail because of the username mismatch

! DETAIL:  drop cascades to default acls for role postgres on new
relation in namespace regressns
--- 951,957 ----
! DETAIL:  drop cascades to default acls for role wulczer on new
relation in namespace regressns
Removed that part from regression.

== Testing ==

The functionality worked as advertised, although I was able to do the

postgres=# create role test login;
postgres=# \c - test
psql (8.5devel)
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "test".
postgres=> alter default privileges grant select on table to test;
postgres=> \c - wulczer
psql (8.5devel)
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "wulczer".
postgres=# drop role test;
postgres=# select * from pg_default_acls ;
 defaclrole | defaclnamespace | defaclobjtype |      defacllist
      16384 |               0 | r             | {16384=arwdDxt/16384}

The numeric defaclrole and defacllist don't look good.
Fixed, DefaultACLs for role are now dropped in DropRole.

While testing I also got a "unexpected object type: 1248" from
src/backend/catalog/pg_shdepend.c, but was unable to reproduce it.
This happened after I did a combination of DROP OWNED BY and REASSIGN
a role that has membership in other roles and that all had default
in a schema.

Yeah that was because I was adding ACL dependencies and wasn't removing them in DROP OWNED BY. Fixed. This is why I had to change the way SetDefaultACLs is called, so it could be called from DROP OWNED BY.

== Docs ==

Need to document that FOR USER also works (as a synonym for FOR ROLE) in the

Add examples of usage of the FOR USER/FOR ROLE syntax and explain what
they do.

Added simple example.

In the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES synopsis there's a copy-paste-o because
it says
you can do:
TO test;
Eh, right, fixed.

The wording of "with grant options parameter is not applicable" in the
sql-grant page should mentiont that you also can't do:
so it should be indicated the "TO rolename" is also not applicable.

== Other ==

I'm not really sure what's the use of GRANT DEFAULT PRIVILEGES... Is it for
backward-sanitizing existing databases?
Yes (especially in combination with GRANT ON ALL if it gets in).

Not tested on Windows, probably not important.

I did test it on Windows ;)

Having said all that, I'm moving the patch to "Waiting on author".
I'll changed it back to "needs review" since I made quite a few changes (per your review).

Petr Jelinek (PJMODOS)

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