Euler Taveira de Oliveira <> writes:
> I recently saw a complaint that a simple PL/PgSQL code is slower than PL/SQL.
> I did some benchmark and confirmed it is. I coded the same function
> (function2) in C just to compare with something. According to OP [1], the
> PL/SQL seems to run more than 15x faster than PL/PgSQL code.

Does incrementing an integer in a tight loop represent the complainant's
typical plpgsql workload?  If so, maybe he should go use another PL.
plpgsql is intended for work that involves a lot of database access, and
so the overhead in operations like this isn't significant.  We offer
other PLs that make different tradeoffs.

FWIW, the high showing of AllocSetReset in your profile suggests to me
that you're timing an assert-enabled build, which wouldn't exactly be
a fair comparison to an Oracle production build anyhow.

                        regards, tom lane

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