On Oct 27, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
'as is', advisory locks is a fantastic feature that can be used for
signaling, mutexing, etc that are relatively difficult things to do in
the transactional world of sql.  My main gripe is that the 'shared id'
method for doing record pessimistic locks is basically a nuclear
missile pointed at your shared buffers if you don't have lot of
discipline in the queries that lock IDs.  Maybe this argues for more
of a 'sql exposed' pessimistic lock feature that operates on similar
level as 'for update'...I'm not sure...curious what thoughts you have
about improving them.

Advisory locks have, as you say, a raft of very useful characteristics:

1. Enforced as much or as little as you wish, depending on your application design.
2. Race-condition-free.
3. Cleaned up automatically on session end.

Of course, 2^64 potential entries are enough for anyone. The usability issue comes when you have multiple domains that you want to apply advisory locks to in a single database. For example, if you have multiple tables (one of which, just for example, has a character pk), and perhaps some inter-client mutex signaling for things that are outside of a transactional model ("this client is importing a file from an outside source, so don't you do it"), it's unappealing to have to come up with ways of representing those in a 64-bit namespace.

Hashing isn't a terrible solution, assuming collisions don't become an issue; a well-designed hashtext64() would help a lot.
-- Christophe Pettus

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