On fre, 2009-10-30 at 12:02 -0400, John Murtari wrote:
>      The project web site has a lot of info, but here is a quick
> example of what it does:
> thebook=#  show statistics * from db history;
>    db    |    minutes     | Questions | Connections | Com_delete 
> ---------+----------------+-----------+-------------+------------
>  thebook | 10/26/09 09:45 | 1         | 0           | 0          
>  thebook | 10/26/09 09:44 | 8         | 1           | 6          
>  thebook | 10/26/09 09:43 | 0         | 1           | 0          

We already have various statistics views.  They don't cover exactly what
you are doing here (aggregate by user and host), but it would be simpler
to extend and augment them instead of introducing a completely new

>      We certainly welcome your feedback and thoughts on this.
> There is still some hard work to be done.  We have an INFORMATION
> SCHEMA implementation for MySQL 5.x, but not yet for PostgreSQL.

The information schema is defined in the SQL standard.  Unless this
stuff one day appears there, the information schema is the wrong place
to look.

The patch itself appears to be licensed under the GPL, which means we
can't even look at it.

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