I wrote:

The nice thing about XMLTABLE is that it adds xquery support. I think the majority of xquery engines seem to be written in Java. XQuilla is C++. I'm not sure if our licensing is compatible, but it I would love the irony of using Berkeley DB XML (formerly Sleepycat) now that its owned by Oracle.

XQuery is a whole other question. Adding another library dependency is something we try to avoid. Zorba <http://www.zorba-xquery.com/> might work, but it appears to have its own impressive list of dependencies (why does it require both libxml2 and xerces-c? That looks a bit redundant.)

Even if we did implement XMLTABLE, I think I'd probably be inclined to start by limiting it to plain XPath, without the FLWOR stuff. I think that would satisfy the vast majority of needs, although you might feel differently. (Do a Google for XMLTABLE - every example I found uses plain XPath expressions.)

I did look at this a bit further. Sadly, XQilla's XSLT support is stated to be of alpha quality, and missing some quite necessary features (e.g. xsl:output). That pretty much rules out for now Xerces-C+XQilla as an alternative xml stack to libxml2+libxslt, ISTM.



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