My two cents - if it's desired -

I invariably disable selinux from all of my production machines. Once upon a time I tried to work with it time and time again - but it was such a head ache to administer for what I considered to be marginal gains, that I eventually gave up. Every time I add a server, it needs to be setup. Or it runs in tolerant mode at which point I'm not sure what value I am really getting at all.

Too many times people have come to me with weird problems of servers not starting, or not working properly, and I have now started with the question "do you have selinux running?" "try turning it off..."

I'm sure some people somewhere love selinux - but I suspect most people find the most relief once they turn it off.

I vote for PostgreSQL committers spending their time on things that bring value to the most number of people.


Mark Mielke<>

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