Tom Lane wrote:
Hiroyuki Yamada <> writes:
Well, I want to know whether the problem I refered to in
is must-fix or not.

This problem is a corollary of the deadlock problem. This is less catstrophic
but more likely to happen.

If you leave this problem, for example, any long-running transactions,
holding any cursors in whatever tables, have a possibility of freezing
whole recovery work in HotStandby node until the transaction commit.

Seems like something we should fix ASAP, but I do not see why it need
hold up an alpha release.  Alpha releases are expected to have bugs,
and this one doesn't look like it would stop people from finding
other bugs.

yeah afaik alpha tarballs are a forma of a checkpoint at the end of a commitfest to get people a reasonable testing target. Every feature (not only HS) deserves getting serious testing so I vote for getting alpha3 out as soon as possible.


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