Robert Haas wrote:
I think (as I did/do with Hot Standby) that the most important thing
here is to get to a point where we have a reasonably good feature that
is of some use, and commit it.  It will probably have some annoying
limitations; we can remove those later.  I have a feel that what we
have right now is going to be non-robust in the face of network
breaks, but that is a problem that can be fixed by a future patch.

Improving robustness in all the situations where you'd like things to be better for replication is a never ending job. As I understand it, a major issue with this patch right now is how it links to the client libpq. That's the sort of problem that can make this uncomittable. As long as the fundamentals are good, it's important not to get lost in optimizing the end UI here if it's at the expense of getting something you can deploy at all in the process. If Streaming Replication ships with a working core but a horribly complicated setup/failover mechanism, that's infinitely better than not shipping at all because resources were diverted toward making things more robust or easier to setup instead. Also, the pool of authors who can work on tweaking the smaller details here is larger than those capable of working on the fundamental streaming replication code.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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