Hi everyone,

I've been playing with the 8.5alpha3 in the last few days. Among other things, I'm making sure that the pgsql PHP extensions still work correctly with the new version. It would seems so, as all the errors in the standard pgsql extension test suite come from the fact that PQescapeByteaConn now defaults to the new "hex" format when connected to a 8.5+ server, which is cool. It's just a matter of updating the tests.

However, before taking a look at the actual code and understanding its behaviour, I tried using "SET bytea_output = 'escape'" and I was expecting PQescapeByteaConn to honour it. Not sure if changing the current behaviour is at all possible, desirable and really worth it, but I'm going to hold the patches to the php test suite until I get some feedback here.


Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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