On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 20:57 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> - Listen/Notify Rewrite.
> - Writeable CTEs.
> Votes?

I'm not qualified to vote on how other people spend their time, but here
are my thoughts:

SR was submitted quite some time ago, so I don't see it as breaking the
rules to put it first in line. If we never give the big features the
serious attention required, then they will never get committed. However,
that's easy for me to say, because my feature made it; and we shouldn't
dismiss the frustration of following the rules and still missing the

Aside: I'll take this alarm as a very strong hint that I shouldn't push
the "range types" any more until the next development cycle.
Particularly because Tom is one of the people with opinions about it, so
I don't want to distract him from features submitted several commitfests

        Jeff Davis

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