On Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 09:01:28AM -0500, mlw wrote:

> "If it is mostly static data, why not just make it a static page?"
> Because a static page is a maintenance nightmare. One uses a database in a web
> site to allow content to be changed and upgraded dynamically and with a minimum
> of work.

 It's ugly argumentation for DB cache. What generate web page after data 
 change and next time use it as static?

> I was thinking that it could be implemented as a keyword or comment in a query.
> Such as:
> select * from table where column = 'foo' cacheable

 You can insert "mostly static data" into temp table and in next queries 
 use this temp table. After update/delete/insert can your application
 rebuild temp table (or by trigger?).


 C, PostgreSQL, PHP, WWW, http://docs.linux.cz, http://mape.jcu.cz

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