On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Tom Lane wrote:

> This assumes that the query timeout should apply to each subsequent
> query, individually, until explicitly canceled.  If you want a timeout
> that applies to only one query and is then forgotten, then maybe this
> wouldn't be the most convenient definition.  What semantics are you
> trying to obtain, exactly?

The semantices of the JDBC API:

"Transaction::setQueryTimeout(): Sets the number of seconds the driver
 will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds.
 If the limit is exceeded, a SQLException is thrown."

So it should apply to all queries on a given transaction. I think that the
above implemenation suggestion (and Bruce's) would apply to all queries,
regardless of which transaction they were associated with. If each
transaction has some kind of unique ID, maybe that could be added to the
SET statement?

Does anyone know how someone else did this (mSQL, mySQL, etc)? It seems
like there ought to already exist some sort of standard. I'll poke around
and see if I can find anything.


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